Wednesday, December 26, 2018

#How to improve CONCENTRATION.


(Page content:-Definition➡️Explanation➡️How to Improve CONCENTRATION)

The action or power of focusing all one's attention.

What does happen when we do things with concentration?:-

          In daily life to complete every task we need good attention without good attention we can't complete the task properly & also will not enjoy doing that.

For example:-
         1)Eating:- Eating requires concentration to - avoid overeating, indigestion, for proper mixing of saliva in food etc. When you concentrate on eating then saliva gets properly mix with food and it helps for further digestion processes.

         2)Studying:- You may be have experienced that (CASE 1-)  sometimes you study for 1 hr & you remember everything, but (CASE 2-) sometimes you study whole day but remember less content as compare to case1. This happens because of less concentration.

            Neurons gather. They transmit electrochemical signals that evoke our thoughts and motor functions. The cerebral cortex is the part of the brain that is associated with our memory, thought, attention, awareness, and consciousness. Most information processing occurs in the cerebral cortex.

             So you have to exercise to improve your concentration. It requires patience & good determination. Because you have to control the function of the cerebral cortex (means to avoid coming off different thoughts).


Tips to improve concentration:-


Do exercise regularly. The brain will get more oxygen. Your health will be improved. Health plays important role in concentrating on the task. When our health is good then our performance also improves. So take care of health. Exercise improves blood circulation in the body. 


You required good willpower. While doing uninteresting work. You require willpower to keep your attention on completing the task. For example:- Study etc.


Meditation also helps in improving memory.
One meditation method as follows:-
  1. Find a place (should be quite & empty of distractions)
  2. You can set the alarm of a time for which you have to mediate.
  3. Sit on a chair or on the floor, whichever is more comfortable.
  4. Close your eyes and focus on your breath; on where it feels the strongest.
Second meditation method as follow:-
  1. Find a place which should be quiet.
  2. Take a candle, put it on the table.
  3. Seat in front of the candle.
  4. Light the candle and focus on the flame of a candle. Note:- Instead of flame you can use any object like a dot on card sheet.

4)List the things which distract you:-

Eg: - Mobile, TV, Computer, Game etc
While doing work don't put that thing in the workplace. Avoid these things. Those things must not be visible to you while doing work. Keep them out of reach. This will help in improving concentration.

5) Stress:-

       Now you will think that people say that don't take tension. It is bad for your performance and health. But I say take stress because it is going to improve your performance.       Yerkes-Dodson Law shows that the performance is high when stress is optimum but when stress is too high-performance decrease and when stress is low then performance is also low.
So take optimum stress such a level that it will keep the seriousness of the task.
And it will help you in doing the task.
For example:- One day before exam our performance is at a peak level. But some guys took too stress and it results in fewer marks or affects to his/her health.
Optimum stress improves concentration.

6) Sleep:-

         Take enough sleep. Sleep at least for 6 hr. As per one study in the morning, Brian gets more oxygen as compared tonight so instead of doing night study do study in the morning. But before it, you must be sleeping at least for 6 hr.
         For better sleep do regular exercise. Good sleep is required for good concentration.

7) Read stuff slowly:-

         While studying read the stuff carefully. As you read the stuff carefully your reading speed also get decreases but more stuff will be stored in your brain due to good concentration. Your reading speed should be less than 100 wpm. But it depends upon you so read the stuff with a speed that will help you to understand the concept & memories the concept. Reading stuff slowly improve concentration.


         Eat food that will help you for concentration. This food helps in improving concentration.
Green tea
Fatty fish
Chocolate etc.


          If you are healthy then you can do the task with good concentration. Health affects your concentration. So try to keep a healthy lifestyle. I have also experienced during the exam period. Because of stomach pain, my concentration was badly affected. It was taking a large time to memorize & understand the concepts. Good health improves concentration.

10)Quite a place:-

            Do study at quite a place. Which should be less disturbing. Which will improve your concentration.

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