Saturday, January 12, 2019

STUDY TIMETABLE : 100% it will be "followed by you"

Study timetable:-

           I know that everyone tries to make timetable. Try to follow it but it is very difficult to work as per the study timetable because there are too many factors which affect our daily life e.g. sometimes your friend forcefully Invited you to party but you have planned to do study. But you best friend is calling you to party then you go to the party. Means you are not following timetable & the syllabus left to complete will become burden on you. Hence the timetable should be flexible. So it will allow you to  give time for your parents, for your friends, for your relatives.
 Few months ago, I tried to make a study timetable. The timetable was best one. If I act as per timetable no one was able to stop me from First rank! I failed to follow the timetable and it became burden on me. Stress was increasing and stress level crossed optimum stress level. I have told you in "how to improve concentration" article stress increased beyond optimum level effecte your performance. So I stopped acting as per timetable.  I made new timetable. You can say it practical timetable. Practical timetable means you have to set particular target for particular day and whenever you get time try to achieve your target. This timetable don't show the time when you are going to study but this time table show what you have to study? While deciding the target for a day you have to decide target such a that your task should be completed and remaining task won't become burden on you. eg. If you decide the first chaper to study then your target must be such a that you have to study 1 & 1/2 chapters. But try to complete 1 & 1/2 chapters. If you are not able to study half second chapter then it doesn't become burden on you because your main target is to study first chapter and you have studied first chaper. You have to make particular time period for study means you have to sit for study in the morning from 4 o'clock to 6 o'clock. if you sit for study from 4 am to 6 a.m. everyday then after one month. When you woke up at 4 a.m. then your mind must remind you that you have to do study. You will feel uncomfortable in this period if you don't study. So try to make time period which is comfortable for you to follow everyday.

Steps to make timetable:-
  • Decide what to study.
  • Comfortable time for study.
  • Decide target for the study-  decided target must be suggested that if you study in a Comfortable time period then the target must be complete. While choosing place for study remember following tips- The place must be quiet there should not be disturbance  which will disturb you while doing study to improve efficiency and effectiveness of study you can refer my blog articles how to  improve memory how to improve concentration study by effective and efficient

I will give you an example of making perfect time table.

Friday, January 11, 2019

#STUDY TECHNIQUES to improve grades


Page content:-
Why choose proper study technique?
What are the various studying techniques?

                Study technique means the time, the way by which you study. The way of study and the time of study affects your study.

Time of study:-

            In the morning you relax and fresh, also your brain oxygen level is high. It helps to memorize maximum information. In the morning noise level is also less. Some people like to study at night. In the night your brain oxygen level is low. Your energy level is low. It affects your study but if you ask me, when do I study? Then answer- I like to study late night and in the morning. My friend who is topper. He likes to study in the morning. A maximum number of toppers study in the morning. I am also topper with state rank 452 in diploma result. If you are asking me which time should you study? Answer- definitely in the morning because it is scientifically proven that studying in the morning is more efficient than studying in late night. It depends upon you which one is suitable for you. For example, I prefer to do a study at night. But studying at night can give health issues like acidity, not getting sleep etc. (I am also facing stomach problems so now, I don't study at night.) So study in the morning is more beneficial than studying in late night.

The way of study:-

            We are going to discuss about one study method. In this method, we have to take a break after studying 45 minutes. This study technique is a very effective & famous method. In the break of 15 minutes, you have to do the work that will relax you & make you fresh & you become ready to do the study again with the same efficiency. What you do in 15 minutes is very important. you may think to watch a movie in 15 minutes. Maybe there are chances that you will think about the movie while studying. e.g. what will be happened? Will the villain kill the heroine? Due to which You will not able to concentrate on study & this will lead to loss of time & you may get frustrated and the stress due to frustration will effect on your performance.

Revision:- #use of Ebbinghaus curve

           Take help of Ebbinghaus curve which will help you in memorizing stuff very well. Now as I said I am going to tell you more about a curve or we can say the use of curve. You can use the curve by planning the revision schedule. You can improve your grades with the best schedule. What will be the most efficient schedule? I think every human is different, has different ideas, difference habits, different hobbies. So for everyone may be scheduled such a that it is most efficient. I am going to tell you my schedule.
In the first day do study while studying highlight the main point & understand concepts.
         On next day read highlighted points. It takes very less time.
After a week again read the text. Frequently I skip this step by just reading highlighted points.
After two weeks read only highlighted points. It will take very less time. Means if you require one hour to study one concept then this step will take just 10-15minutes.
At the end of the month do the revision of whole concept (not just highlighted points).
          I don't follow all the steps as I am an engineering student. I like to study 4-5 days of study before the exam. The people want to do top can follow above method & the people want to do a study one day before the exam can use the following method.
Attend all the lecturers.
Understand the concept deeply.
Highlights the important points.
Check the previous year papers.
Sort out Important concepts.
Study 25-45% syllabus before the exam.
          Complete whole syllabus in 2-3 days before the exam. If you ask me what do I take 15 minutes to break? Answer: Yes! But One day before the exam I don't need a break because my concentration is too good. As discussed in articles- "how to improve memory & how to improve concentration," I have explained, How do stress effects your concentration? And I use the techniques of improving memory from the article "how to improve memory." It helps me for memorizing maximum information & also boring concepts.
          You must do work which is going to relax you like walking, listening song, eating food etc. Don't eat food which is heavy do digest, walk-in greenery place etc.
          Also, you can change the subject after every one hour it keeps your interest in the study. It also helps in storing information in your brain with higher efficiency.
1-5 steps are done in a semester.
6 before the exam.
7 in 2-3 days before the exam.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

#How to improve CONCENTRATION.


(Page content:-Definition➡️Explanation➡️How to Improve CONCENTRATION)

The action or power of focusing all one's attention.

What does happen when we do things with concentration?:-

          In daily life to complete every task we need good attention without good attention we can't complete the task properly & also will not enjoy doing that.

For example:-
         1)Eating:- Eating requires concentration to - avoid overeating, indigestion, for proper mixing of saliva in food etc. When you concentrate on eating then saliva gets properly mix with food and it helps for further digestion processes.

         2)Studying:- You may be have experienced that (CASE 1-)  sometimes you study for 1 hr & you remember everything, but (CASE 2-) sometimes you study whole day but remember less content as compare to case1. This happens because of less concentration.

            Neurons gather. They transmit electrochemical signals that evoke our thoughts and motor functions. The cerebral cortex is the part of the brain that is associated with our memory, thought, attention, awareness, and consciousness. Most information processing occurs in the cerebral cortex.

             So you have to exercise to improve your concentration. It requires patience & good determination. Because you have to control the function of the cerebral cortex (means to avoid coming off different thoughts).


Tips to improve concentration:-


Do exercise regularly. The brain will get more oxygen. Your health will be improved. Health plays important role in concentrating on the task. When our health is good then our performance also improves. So take care of health. Exercise improves blood circulation in the body. 


You required good willpower. While doing uninteresting work. You require willpower to keep your attention on completing the task. For example:- Study etc.


Meditation also helps in improving memory.
One meditation method as follows:-
  1. Find a place (should be quite & empty of distractions)
  2. You can set the alarm of a time for which you have to mediate.
  3. Sit on a chair or on the floor, whichever is more comfortable.
  4. Close your eyes and focus on your breath; on where it feels the strongest.
Second meditation method as follow:-
  1. Find a place which should be quiet.
  2. Take a candle, put it on the table.
  3. Seat in front of the candle.
  4. Light the candle and focus on the flame of a candle. Note:- Instead of flame you can use any object like a dot on card sheet.

4)List the things which distract you:-

Eg: - Mobile, TV, Computer, Game etc
While doing work don't put that thing in the workplace. Avoid these things. Those things must not be visible to you while doing work. Keep them out of reach. This will help in improving concentration.

5) Stress:-

       Now you will think that people say that don't take tension. It is bad for your performance and health. But I say take stress because it is going to improve your performance.       Yerkes-Dodson Law shows that the performance is high when stress is optimum but when stress is too high-performance decrease and when stress is low then performance is also low.
So take optimum stress such a level that it will keep the seriousness of the task.
And it will help you in doing the task.
For example:- One day before exam our performance is at a peak level. But some guys took too stress and it results in fewer marks or affects to his/her health.
Optimum stress improves concentration.

6) Sleep:-

         Take enough sleep. Sleep at least for 6 hr. As per one study in the morning, Brian gets more oxygen as compared tonight so instead of doing night study do study in the morning. But before it, you must be sleeping at least for 6 hr.
         For better sleep do regular exercise. Good sleep is required for good concentration.

7) Read stuff slowly:-

         While studying read the stuff carefully. As you read the stuff carefully your reading speed also get decreases but more stuff will be stored in your brain due to good concentration. Your reading speed should be less than 100 wpm. But it depends upon you so read the stuff with a speed that will help you to understand the concept & memories the concept. Reading stuff slowly improve concentration.


         Eat food that will help you for concentration. This food helps in improving concentration.
Green tea
Fatty fish
Chocolate etc.


          If you are healthy then you can do the task with good concentration. Health affects your concentration. So try to keep a healthy lifestyle. I have also experienced during the exam period. Because of stomach pain, my concentration was badly affected. It was taking a large time to memorize & understand the concepts. Good health improves concentration.

10)Quite a place:-

            Do study at quite a place. Which should be less disturbing. Which will improve your concentration.

Monday, December 24, 2018

#How to improve MEMORY

How to improve MEMORY?

Page contains -Defintion➡️Encode➡️ Store➡️ Improve memory.

Definition:- Memory is the faculty of the brain by which information is encoded, stored, and retrieved when needed.

         Memory encode the information. We can convert large information in the form of small code. eg ROYGBIV or Roy G. Biv is an initialism for the sequence of hues commonly described as making up a rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. It is very difficult to remember all the colors of the rainbow in the sequence but with the help of coding, we can remember it easily.
     In daily life, with help of this technique, we can remember the glossary list, homework, and more complicated things. There are a different techniques we can use for improving our memory such as converting information in picture form, movie form, poem etc (i.e. #mnemonics).


        The brain probably stores around 10-100TB of data. But have you ever think in which form the memory is stored in the brain? If No! Then I will tell you😄.

        Memory is stored as a function of neural connections. Memory is a relatively stable form of neural states. That is a neuron. That facilitate communication with other neurons. These neurons form a network. Stable neuronal networks represent memories. Connections - dendrites and axons are parts of the neuron. which link to other neurons. These parts form a network. This network can be specialized to represent a certain form of memory. For example, the memory of how the person drives a car. These connections can also represent the meta process such as how we think about solving the rubrics cube. It can represent an algorithm.
     I think you understand, how the information is stored?


The information is stored in the brain so you have to:-

  • Take a healthy diet.

  • Do regular exercise.
➡️Do physical exercise. eg. Aerobic exercise etc.

Some aerobic exercise:-

  1. Play tennis,
  2. Go dancing,
  3. Swim or Do water aerobic exercise,
  4. Ride your bicycle outside,
  5. Ride your stationary bicycle indoors etc

➡️Dr. Morley recommends the following exercise:-

  1. Do the math in your head,
  2. Take a cooking class,
  3. Learn a foreign language,
  4. Create word pictures,
  5. Draw a map from memory,
  6. Challenge your taste buds,
  7. Refine your hand-eye abilities,
  8. Learn a new sport, etc.

  • Eat food that improves memory and focus.

For example:-
  1. Fatty fish,
  2. Egg,
  3. Coconut oil,
  4. Soy, Berries,
  5. Nut & Seed etc.

  •  Use mnemonics:-
    Try to connect information to picture. Convert the information into the picture so it will help to memorize all the data with proper sequence. This method is largely used to store large data with high accuracy. We have studied the mnemonics of the rainbow. If you have to remember a list of glossary then simply convert all the list items into an understandable picture. When you memorize the picture you will remember whole glossary list items.
             Like the picture, we can make the code words which will help to remember a number of items easily. We can also make a poem for long-term memory.

  • Revision:-
             Revision plays important role in study. I have experienced, when I do revision it increases my confidence and the topic is properly retrieved.
         To improve the memory you have to do revision. The revision should be properly planned. Planned revision helps to save wastage of time due unnecessary revision.

   The above figure shows EBBINGHAUS forgetting curve as per the curve when you read some information, immediately you remember above 95% information, but after 20 minutes you remember only 58% of information, after 1 hour you remember 44% of information, after 9 hours you remember 36%, after 31 days you remember only 20% of the information.

        It shows when you read some information then it needs revision which can help you to retain the maximum information. This is very important for students. In the school or college, one semester is of six months. Teacher teaches you the first chapter at the beginning of the semester and after the six month you have to solve the questions related to the topic. As per the curve after six month, the information you remember will be less than 20%. To remember maximum information then you required to do revision of the chapter on the perfect time period. That will help you to avoid donkey work. Donkey work means studying the first chapter on the first month of the semester and and again studying the stream chapter on the end of the semester with same efforts. 

       You are regular revision with proper time period is going to help you by saving efforts and this information will be converted into long term memory.

             Improving memory is not a big task. It requires patience & consistent work. This is reason some student do 1 hour study & obtain good marks. They improve their memory by proper revision. So do revision to improve memory. Improve memory with proper revision.

            We will see how to do revision on the right time with the right time peiod gap in the future posts.